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If you are having trouble accessing the services, you may find the answer in the FAQ. 
If you do not find the answer you are looking for there, you can write to us at jobguidance [at] unitn.it .
Data Bank of CVs of students and graduates 
Q1. I have tried to access the download of CVs, but I am asked for my credentials. Is this really necessary?  
A1. Yes. Although this is a free service, the accreditation procedure must be followed in order to access the CVs. 

Q2. I’ve forgotten my credentials, how can I obtain them? 
A2.There is a credentials recovery service available. 

Q3. I am properly registered. I can access the CVs and carry out some research, but when I try to download names, a notice appears telling me I do not have “sufficient credit” (“plafond”).  Why does this happen? 
A3. If you are using the service for the first time, it will be necessary, following registration, to wait for confirmation of successful accreditation from the staff  in the Job Guidance Office.   

Q4. I have already successfully used the service, but, when I try to download the names, a notice appears telling me I do not have “sufficient credit” (“plafond”).  Why does this happen? 
A4. This means that the available credit (“plafond”) has already been used up. Contact the Job Guidance Office to obtain a new accreditation, which is free.  We would remind users that in order to download other CVs, it is necessary to provide feedback on those previously downloaded.