Job Guidance offers support services in planning a professional career and the search for work.
Methods for active job-searching
Seminars on the methods and techniques available to help in an active search for work explore the following areas:
- Going abroad: fact-finding: available openings and plan management for gaining experience outside Italy;
- CVs and motivation letters: what they are and how they should be drafted for an effective application; how to write a spontaneous application; how to answer a job advertisement.
- LinkedIn and the search for work: how to make the best of your profile, in order to set out your goals clearly and attract potential employers; how to make the best use of the various proposals on LinkedIn to find information, get in touch with firms and adopt a strategy of personal brand management.
- Personal brand management: think before acting; how to plan your career path in the short to medium term, setting up the foundations of a future professional career; how to establish o coherent communication strategy and how to monitor and evaluate the action taken in the search for work and career development.
- Job interviews: what they are, how they are structured; care and skills necessary to prepare in advance in the best way for the interview; how to manage the interview itself and strategies for making effective replies; self-evaluation of your performance when the interview has finished.
End Users
The service is dedicated to students during their course of study and graduates of the University of Trento for up to 18 months from graduation.
Where and when?
The seminars are programmed at monthly intervals and set out in the online calendar . The location of the course is indicated in the calendar each time, as well as in the email communications.
How long do they last?
Each seminar lasts about 3 hours, beginning at 09.30 a.m.
How do I register?
Registration is strictly online, using the forms indicated from time to time. Users can participate in the seminars on previous registration, until all available places are booked. There are 20-30 places available for each seminar.
Certificate of attendance and satisfaction survey
No certificate of attendance is provided for the seminars. Participants are asked to complete a satisfaction survey.
Soft skills
In the search for jobs and the entry into the world of work recent studies have demonstrated the importance of possessing a wide range of specific skills as well as excellent transversal or soft skills, such as, for example, knowing how to communicate, team work, project management, time management, negotiation, problem solving, creativity, and so on.
Where and when?
The soft skills courses are programmed and set out in the online calendar. The location of the course is indicated in the calendar each time, as well as in the email communications.
How long do they last?
Each course lasts from a minimum of 4 hours up to a maximum of 3 days. The length, timetable and dates of each course are set out directly on the webpage of each specific course.
How do I register?
Registration is strictly online, using the forms indicated from time to time. Participation is open to all students enrolled at the University of Trento on previous registration, until all available places are booked. Any restriction on the type of participants who can attend will be indicated on the webpage of each course. There are 20-30 places available on each course .
Certificate of attendance and satisfaction survey
At the end of the course, following full attendance and completion of the satisfaction survey, an attendance certificate will be issued.
Health and Safety in the workplace
In order to do an internship it is necessary that interns receive by their employers (hosting institutions) a proper training, which involves two separate modules: a general and a specific risk training.
If useful and consistent with specific risks related to tasks met in the working environment, every UniTrento intern can also attend, online, the “Course on Health and Safety in the workplace - workers' specific risk training (low risk for office activities)". In this case, those who are interested have to send an e-mail to jobguidance [at] stating the reasons of the request.
Open digital Badge
Job Guidance offers the chance to acquire an Open Digital Badge for the Tools and Techniques for active job search.
What is an Open Digital Badge?
Open Badges are a new digital means of identifying, acquiring and making the most of your skills. Find out more.
What is an Open Digital Badge for “methods and techniques for active job searching”.
The Open Digital Badge for “methods and techniques for active job searching” attests to the acquisition of skills and useful methods for engaging in the search for work. It is issued to students or graduates of the University of Trento who have attended in person all 5 courses on the theme of the search for work see the section on Training> Methods for active job-searching, on this page) .
How can I obtain this?
To get the Badge, the student/graduate following the courses must have attended in person and actively participated in five 4-hour seminars (a total of 20 classroom hours) offered by the Job Guidance Office. The courses have to have been attended in the same month. Finally, the Badge-holder must have taken and passed a final assessment test which demonstrates his/her knowledge and understanding of the content transferred in the seminars and the capacity to apply them in real situations. The link to access the test will be sent to all candidates who have actually attended the 5 courses and signed the attendance register.
Each month, when the courses involving attendance in person are publicised, instructions will be given as to how to obtain the Badge.