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It is necessary to promptly communicate any injury that occurs in the location(s) declared in the training project, during the journey to/from the internship location or during authorized trips/journeys.

The communication email must be sent, as soon as possible, only from your institutional address (@studenti.unitn.it or @unitn.it) and must be addressed to: jobguidance [at] unitn.it keeping in cc presenze [at] unitn.it and gestione.assicuazioni [at] unitn.it.

The subject of the email must be: “Trainee injury report…. (indicate: name, surname and matriculation number).
The text of the email must indicate:

  • When the accident occurred (date and time)
  • Place where the accident occurred
  • A description, as detailed as possible, of the accident
  • Medical certificate(s) and/or reports issued by the emergency room/hospital
  • Your telephone number to be contacted